Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: AI

AI is moving very rapidly towards mass adoption and some have referred to it as an I-Phone moment.

"POET Starlight solidifies the companys status as an AI hardware supplier."

There's an AI patent boom underway and while Celestial AI and POET aren't one of the big dogs out there, the two companies seem to have built a better mousetrap though we'll have to wait for Celestial AI to come out of stealth mode to confirm this.

90% of all AI startups have been bought out by Tech Giants and rather than bringing their products to market, Big Tech shelves the AI tech while moving researchers elsewhere.  This may end up being Celestial's fate and I only hope to be able to feed at Celestial's revenue trough for a decent amount of time before that happens.

May 16, 2023 06:57PM
May 16, 2023 08:47PM
May 17, 2023 01:57AM
May 17, 2023 02:04AM
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