Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Frustrating to no end

I have been depressed for a while now at how long this is taking, and how managements actions don't match their bullish talk.  Now I begin to feel genuinely concerned that I will not see a good return on my money, and not just that it'll come in a future year.  
I hope my fears (I've been a long term holder and buyer) mean the bottom is in.  It's hard to take their words seriously which hint that 'this is the year' when it's been repeated for years, and when their actions went in total contradiction (selling, not buying) to their words.  
I've held and bought and been a total supporter for so many years, but now I really am concerned.  Hoping those connected to management can weigh in.  When there is such a disconnect between stock price and business potential, managements words and actions, it's hard not to be really concerned.  FJ?  Rainer? Mazann? Etc?  

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