Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Buy-out?

Ha!... Germiston, let's just say that I might have heard from a friend of a friend that he heard that a large company, "X" has a great interest in acquiring Poet with its game-changing technology and patents and was pondering the idea of making an offer when the time and price is right? 

If such a rumor were true then I am willing to bet that many of the shareholders here would be willing to part with this gem of a company for a lot less money now than they would have 4 or 5 years ago (me included). Feeling this, even though Poet is in a better situation now than ever before. That should not be. 

A hypothetical situation perhaps, perhaps not? Our confidence in Poet should be, right now, as solid as a rock. Why, as a long-time shareholder do I, and other people, not feel that way? Somebody is not doing their job in that department, methinks. Somebody is not looking after their long-term investors. 

Show us the money. Show us contracts that we can take to the bank.

My rant for this month. T....have a great weekend all.




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