Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Dylan Patel quoted on from Semi Analysis on CAI website


As you know, I've been waiting for this day for a little while, I truly believe David Lazovsky CEO of Celestial AI cherry picked what the best use of Poet's Optical Interposer to disrupt the AI compute landscape the most as AI accelerators are all the rage right now. He probably confirmed this path when he joined Khosla Ventures after he left Poet. Well, here we are, a few short years later, and now CAI is on the verge of making a really big play into the AI infrastructure which has TAM projections that keep growing by the billions every day. I keep touting Poet will win because of low cost and high volume production, but check out what CAI posted on their website as they quoted the highly esteemed Dylan Patel, bottom line, look how much money CAI is pointing out to save their potential customers. This is what disruptive technology does, this is why Poet will be a fantastic opportunity to grow exponentially in the near future.



"The areas in which memory sharing can improve performance and economics are almost limitless. 1st generation memory pooling can reduce total DRAM requirements by 10%. Lower latency memory pooling could bring the savings in a multi-tenant cloud to ~23%. Memory sharing could reduce DRAM requirements by more than 35%. These represent billions of dollars in datacenter DRAM spend annually"

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