Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Manufacturer or Licensing Company

B&C:  "Where will POET be manufacturing their own product if they go that way? -  SV, from AGSM  "A JV external to China".

External to China!  Now that is something to shout about, as long as it isn't in Iran, Russia or North Korea.  Relax!  Just kidding.

Seriously, the geopolitical considerations of business in the 21st century can not be over emphasized and right now North American companies that tend to be weighted heavily on their production side to entities in China are vulnerable to an immense amount of undesireable vicissitudes on the Sea of International Commerce, a vulnerability that can be successfully ameliorated by securing production facilities in countries with a political structure more in line with and friendly to the home country of that company. 

The governments of Canada and the U.S. are distinctly different in ambition, goals and most importantly how they differ by an order of magnitude in the methods and tools that they use to achieve those goals vs how the  PRC plays the game of international business.  

This recent quote from Suresh was like manna and quail from Heaven, but only if the words become manifest fully in action and we see evidence supporting the "external to China" prognostication..

Words are cheap.  For the long term success of POET, the future projection of Suresh needs to become reality. 

"External to China" does have a rather nice ring to it.  Thanks, Suresh!

JMO.  On the other hand, there is indeed so much happening now with POET that supports the optimists in our little band of investors.  There is never enough "good news" and we welcome all additions that pass the test for admission to that file concerning POET Technologies.  The more the better, bring it on!


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