Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

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Forensic value? Flagging posts as violations to preserve them?

You guys do know what living rent free means, right?

My .2 cents, pre RS - People flush their posts because they are their posts, if Hub Leaders can remove them at will, why shouldn't posters be able to do the same with their own ? I've done it, ITTR did it.  But "flagging" them could be a passive aggressive way to get them to stop posting anything, or to control what people do with their own info. If you don't like the extra curriculars, ignore them. If somebody want to keep posts, do screenshots. 

Anyway, 2q results in the next few weeks, some of that CAI NRE should show up, an opportunity for the company to again highlight that relationship and promote the AI potential/progress. Maybe more? Keep expectations low. 
September 6-8 CIOE looks promising, POET is well represented by Dr. Mo, maybe she should present at one of these conferences. Be curious to see who else might attend, what POET demos are planned on this international stage. 

 The ATM. What will $30 million in dilution look like? I don’t think you do this type of financing, responsibly, without having substantive news to drive the share price up, a lot.  We want to see this $30 million raised on 3 million shares or less, not 7 million or more. 

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