Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Letter to company

Get nothing in return? Sounds familiar! Sorry I couldn't help myself, all in good fun. 

I suppose another option: recognize discontent of longstanding shareholders who risk their personal capital on this venture, and understand they are entitled (yes, entitled, in every sense of the word) to less murkiness around the ATM.

I'm steadfast in my ever-and-only-accumulating investment in Poet due strictly to the tech, however I wish management wasn't so cavalier about their investors (my own impression). Many seem to give them a pass merely on expectations the product will prevail, but I still wish their IR conduct was more reflective of public company standards. 

For example: Given Poet's series of events over the last several years, would any of our targeted partners, customers or competitors gleefully poach SV, VR or MJ if given the chance? What about TM if given the chance?

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