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Message: Fidelity Share Lending Program

By the way I thought a screenshot or two might be helpful - I tried to paste them in but they didn't take even though they show up in the "Message" window. Any suggestions?

Anyway it's not Fidelity's fault that POET is "in demand" with shorters, it's just taking advantage of an opportunity that its analytics have presented and I can't really blame it for that. Besides, I think I've seen posts here saying that a brokerage doesn't have to ask your permission to lend your shares, so if that's true then I have to give Fidelity some credit (no pun intended) for not lending out my shares without making me enroll in the program and offering to pay me some interest for doing it. But like Outtahere said, "Any shareholder who participates need to have their head examined." The daily damage the shorters and manipulators are doing is killing me, and no way am I going to be a willing participant in destroying the value of my investment for pennies on the dollar!

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