Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications


Something is very wrong.  The fumbles over the ATM and now this?   Supposedly we had to end the ATM to prevent shorting, and then present the market with a shorter's dream?   We don't raise money when we go to the Nasdaq, but instead management becomes visible by selling and then doesn't ever become buyers?  
What is it that we don't know?  Has something not occurred that they thought would provide them cash?  I can't believe they are/have been driving so close to the financial cliff.  Does this compute with the optimistic presentations they have given in their videos, etc? 
BTW- their website has become very polished.  
To listen to where they say they are at in terms of business and tech, and then see the financial mishaps is to feel we are dealing with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. 
Suresh himself needs to address this situation with clear explanations that can assure us we will get through this 'valley' to real success that is worth the wait for shareholders.

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