Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Complaint Office !!

I am literally sick of this. I am still here from 2014 and have 6 figures invested. I trusted Suresh to make money on my investment , but I have to call him out as well, since he has not sent out a letter from the CEO to his investors. I have sent out letters to poet on their website but never had a reply...disgusting! My friend, if he's still my friend after I promoted poet, also sent letters to Barnes and others, never received a reply. I have sent letters to other small, medium and large caps and always received a reply. This is so disheartening and truly, as others have said, the CFO should resign and Suresh should step away as he is a technical genius ( apparently ) but no CEO. By the way, I never sold 1 share and still won't at this point. My wife kept telling me that she doesn't believe in this company. I will hear from her and what can I say. Stupid me.


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