Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: News: Poet Provides Financial Update

Yes, the NRE is being presented to show some revenues, but it also reveals a deficit in production revenues.  You don't even mention that to soothe investors, unless your roadmap has changed.  We were told 150 million in revenues, next three years, including this one, the expectation was clear that 2024 we should be seeing big orders, this odd NRE tag suggests otherwise.

The keyword for me, he says "finally" when some speaking of validation timetables, which in and of itself admits more delays.

I'm not trying to be optimistic or pessimistic, polish turds or drive down the stock, the objective facts are easily digested, this has been poorly handled, communication has been awful, a complete lack of professionalism and frankly some dubious past proclamations from management, Suresh included.  Today we get some clarification, but this financing is still a mushy unknown, STILL.  And what really burns me, where is the GOOD news we all were waiting for, instead we're reeling and all we are getting is bad financing and stop the bleeding assurances from Suresh.  Who predicted this for the fourth quarter?  It's stunning.

Im holding because I'm stuck now, but my confidence has been profoundly shaken and I apologize for all my former "look to the horizon" flowery posts, I was a fool apparently.  Groundhog Day, 2025 is our year! 

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