Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: News: Poet Provides Financial Update

Whatever the definition is, it was abundantly clear that the "customers" were taking the Poet Tech on an extended and exacting test drive.  

If people chose to think this investment was not speculative, then that's mainly on them and not the company. I believed that even as a spec, it was undervalued. The fact Mika agreed does not mean I didn't come to that conclusion on my own. 

And anyone putting more that 15% of their investments into one, speculative company, made a critical error. Almost any professional investment advisor will tell you that, especially at some of our advanced ages. 

Is all this nasty, nasty complaining a way to show your spouse you were hoodwinked?  Poor decisions based on greed - thsts what's at root  

Anyway, I'm owning up to it. If you don't think Poet management doesnt hate this and has combed all viable alternatives, I believe you're unwilling to take personal responsibility for your own poor decision making. 

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