Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: FWP Prospectus filing

Boy, were the POETs racing! They were almost as fast as light. Not fast enough as it seems, though. Not long ago 25G were standard and POET believed 100G were a good base for the next few years. Then they were hit by a Tsunami of evolution washing away all their timelines.

800G looked to be a far dream not long ago, now it's almost a yawn as the race goes on. Who was expecting this? Suresh - I don't know. TM- certainly not. It's only us shareholders with 20/20 hindsight that now, and only now, had seen it all coming...

Admittedly I readily took some nasty comments here on the board for outlining timelines and competitors' activities, so being as sad as you (and underwater with my shares) at least my surprise is limited, (not my shock though).

We were promised miracles and this I took with a grain of salt. But I always hoped that some potent investors were less sceptical about the time to fruition. Didn't work out.

Hope dies last, they say. So let's get on with life and keep our fingers crossed for POET, the ones invested and, not to forget, our dear friends thrown out by margin calls or financial restraints!

Cheers all!


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