Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: NB: Zacks report of 22 Aug 23... from information supplied by Poet

Agreed on the ambiguity of statement, a POET hallmark.  A while back, when the company put out a fluff piece on "ramping up production capacity", I wondered (as I often have) about the lack of specific "meat on the bone".  


How much capacity? What specific kind of equipment (in dollar value)? And how much more capacity in percentage would this allow for?  In looking back at that release now, it is clear, this was one of many desperate attempts to drive a false narrative. Whether it was intended to build shareholder trust, or try and ignite a potential customer to commit, create even a sliver of positive noise which they've incapable of for as long as I can remember...who knows!  But we now know for certain, it was in vain as so many similar releases have been over the years. 


If the company can be so brutally inept in terms of communications with its own shareholders, (keeping in mind the board's sole purpose and fiduciary responsibility should be in the best interests of shareholders) then I can only imagine what the communications must be like with these fabled "customers".  That's what's worrying me the most right now.  Is it arrogance?  Is it over-valuation?  Is it the inability to speak in simple (non-technical) terms?  Or worse, is it all of the above?

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