Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: B&C preserved posts through November 18, 2023


Poet is a technology company with cutting-edge products and innovations in the data, AI + sectors. Despite its technological prowess, the company has been grappling with numerous messages which (were overly optimistic) have mislead us as investors "were on the green lining up putts" the " hockey stick" and many other references which have lead me as an individual to be overly optimistic, that we are in the edge of adoption and sales. Today, we find the company with financial challenges, company threatening challenges. We are at "Poet's Turning Point!" it could go good for us investors, or it could go bad. I have no doubt this technology will be adopted, if we have what is being communicated to date. will be as poet or other as another company, will we as shareholder get washed over. The tech due diligence is always appreciated, but the reality of it is we don’t know if the shareholders will survive this turning point... I've been in this stock far to early.... if I found out about it today i would be totally pumped.... not so pumped or optimistic today ........ smart money always knows more than the retail investor.... there is a reason they are avoiding this stock.  keeping my fingers crossed and hoping all of us who got in too darn soon exit this stock in the positive.

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