Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Is it time for the Agora board to apologize to Lebowski, Lotus Capital, et al?

It seems as though Lebowski deserves quite the apology from the apologists from this board. He tried to warn us, he tried to organize us and band us together. What did the apologists and perma-bootlickers say? "Ban him," "it's not the responsibility of CXO to ___." Well guess what. We actually got Rennova'd. 


Do you now think the negativity from this board brought us to a $40M market cap? Do you think the drivel posted us here never got us above 3% institutional holdings?


Who releases a placement release with no price or terms? Idiots. That is who. Morons.


I can't even open my trading app it will hurt too much to see. We were warned, there were red flags posted along the way.


Apologies to Lebowski/Lotus Capital/etc. You warned us all and now we're absolutely ruined.

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