Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Selling

Baba, I feel you.  There is a very long list over many many years of getting past 'just this next one thing' before we shoot up, floodgates open (let alone just "recover") etc.  

Please don't mistake my skepticism for cynicism, but I think proprietary revenue (not partnerships or JV revenue) is the only relevant catalyst.  As someone mentioned last day or two, we're 1000% away from our uplist pricing and I don't see a closed financing alone "recovering" us anywhere near that benchmark.  Nor do I see the (stock) market giving us any ($$$) value for further patents, funding, collaborations, etc. because that's been demonstrated ad nauseum already and literally everyone has been burned repeatedly thinking ROI is correlated with those things.  With revenue, all those things may unlock value multiples but until then they're frankly meaningless for us no matter how impressive someone says they are.  I think this is all much simpler than some are making it out to be.

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