Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Good news or what is it exactly?

To be fair. What I have read here today is the following.

They are not allowed to oversubscribe. The have not achieved the goal to get 100% so they extended the period. They just wanted to have round about 4million CAD.

But I am asking myself. Ähm... To be fair? What da heck? Why do they raise money for only 4 month if you calculate with the burn rate? What will happen then afterwards? And they needed a bit time (some months) to achieve what they have got now. I ask myself... Do they directly start the next offering when this is finished? And if so. How many shares do they throw out to survive? This is really really toxic for the old investors. This is in my opinion to much dilution, or? Is this a real good news? I don't think so at the moment. What do you think? What will happen? Isn't this to much dilution right now? Where will it end? puuuuh.

After reading the news... and when I saw the amount raised... I said to my self. What da heck. This is by far not enough 0_o O boy. What happened to our/my pearl... 

To be fair. I am not invested anymore. And I am waiting right now. Switched over to AMD. But what I see really keeps me away from getting in again. I have a question mark on my head.

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