Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Poeteer

Not trying to sound goofy here, but whether its Suresh himself or Poeteer telling me to expect imminent wonderfullness, it matters not to me at this stage.  

How many times have certain agora posters so generously gifted us special insight, insider channel hints etc. that turned out as completely unsubstantiated fluff.  Wishful guesswork disguised as exclusive privy intelligence.  When exactly (just one time) has it paid off to put our money where their mouth is?  Unfortunately Suresh's track record is no better, we all know the half-dozen catch phrases I'm talking about.  I'm going to let the chart do the talking, because claims thus far have proven devoid of value at best, inversely correlated at worst!

When the share price goes up and to the right, I'll believe the share price is going up and to the right!

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