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Message: The Wooden Dragon

The new Chinese year, in effect since Feb 10, promises growth, vitaly and wisdom!

Sounds great but is to be taken with a pinch of salt: there'll be elections in the US where wisdom is hard to see -  plus they say it should be a good year for "rats". Now being non-Chinese i associate "rats" with shorties rather than anything else - bit I guess that's too much of a Western view...

I'm not being overly serious here as I don't believe in astrology anyway, but judging from many posts here I seem to be in the minority. So I jumped on the dot/star connecting train just to find it's as useless as any other wishful thinking.

Why that post just now? Because it's the only dot worth connecting while the players that matter to us are celebrating New Year and any hope of breaking news during this period is beyond me.

Good things will come by hard work of POET, not by astrology and not by dot connecting...

Cheers all!


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