Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

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As is normally the case they work with companies for a long time before they make any announcement and often we see it in a presentation first. They rarely make an announcement until they are able to demonstrate. When is the last time you have seen them announce a patent grant? Very rare...Suresh has always been of the mindset likely from former days as head of development at Global Foundries that nothing is officially announced until a product has been developed. That being said our good buddy ITTR's detective work has uncovered one of the module development partners as well as others in the supply chain. 

As I have said before, Suresh is always thinking multiple moves ahead and perfecting next generation methods. The platform has a level of flexibility that allows for very quick development turnarounds when compared to traditional silicon photonics. At the very least I expect to see NRE from leading industry partners that require low cost, high speed and low latency. Having a platform that can be produced in high volume in a CMOS flow is key to winning the race. 

They continue to innovate on a platform that has virtually limitless potential.  


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