Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: 42 days

So apparently you are a believer that what is said on this forum has a direct impact on the share price. I have been trying to convince people of this for years that slamming this company and negative postings  do have an impact. You claimed that management dangled a carrot to get people to commit to buying? As Mazan said in a post which he removed, Not everything is black and white. 

So if POET had a need for greater funding why did they not extend the financing? Why would they be hiring? Why would management commit their own money in the financing?

It is much more probable that the latest financing was a bridge. If it was not then they would have extended the financing.  

“But what takes the cake imho is Cookie Monster congratulations those who bought the PP. “

Why would you criticize CM for making this statement? You apparently believe that this was not a smart move for those who bought into this financing. I don’t understand why you think this would take the cake as you say. More likely it is just an opportunity for you to find anything negative you can post.

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