Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

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"POET achieves 16-lane capability by using 3D assembly techniques and stacked non-interacting waveguides. It’s a simplified process that drives data communications at unprecedented speeds. 200G per lane Moving data simultaneously through more lanes is one way that photonics brings superior capability to the market. Another is its ability to increase the speed that can go through each of those lanes. Conventional speeds are currently 100G per lane but photonics can operate at 200G per lane, busting the bottlenecks that cause latency and high power consumption. At 200G per lane, AI and hyperscale datacentres and cloud networks can surge towards new capacity limits."

"Among the giants touting the merits of 200G per lane solutions is Broadcom, which demonstrated an optical transmission link using that configuration at OFC 2023."


Suresh is the author of this article, so is he saying Broadcom was using POETs 16 lane capabilities in that demonstration?

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