Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: That fact alone

I just can't understand what is hard to fathom about the share price. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF MONEY. End of story. And there is no fairytale white knight that's going to come and save us. (Well, maybe Mazann will bail us out AGAIN).  

For everyone thinking one of the companies committed to us will loan us the money, or take a stake in our little POET, where were they last November?  Where were they when they could have gotten a big stake in our company for pennies on the dollar?  Nobody showed up to save us, except us retail shareholders. We stepped up to save it, and we need to demand more. We need to demand better, and not on the technical side, the financial side. 

When wondering why more people aren't buying the stock to push up the share price, do a thought experiment. If a friend told you about a company, that had no revenue, but lots of encouraging things right around the corner, new products ready for sales, partnerships with companies that have committed to them and use their products, and hopefully the start of revenue this year, and all at a very cheap stock price, would you buy?  Plus it's in a sector that is in the hottest sector in finance. I know I'd take a hard look. The opportunity to make multiples and multiples of your original investment are almost assured if revenues start to come in. Now your friend tells you there's just a couple of catches. The company has enough money to last maybe 3 months?  And it has a CFO that just over saw the most atrocious financing imaginable where he was unable to raise more tha 1.25 million from investment funds. And the CFO is still there. Would you still buy?


We need to get rid of the catches. Then we explode, and only then. 

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