Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Remember The Good old Days

Remember the good old days when there were investors who would buy and hold shares as an investment. They would support companies they could trust and take up what they used to call rights issues which gave them a chance to buy shares at prices that only the institutions (robber barons) can buy now. Remember those quaint bits of paper they called cheques you could pop in the post and receive share certificates by return?

Dealing over the phone with high brokers commissions discouraged speculative buying and selling and only rouges sold short.

Today there are still some investors left such as Warren Buffet but speculators or should I say gambling addicts seem to be the rule.

There are so many junk companies that should not be listed on stock markets being hyped by message boards and social media.


Good companies run by honest people with very real prospects like Poet are lost in an ocean that is difficult to navigate but now we can see dry land and will soon have our feet firmly set on dry land

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