Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Disappointing yo-yo stock activity

Despite recently engaging two companies to boost our investor base and public relations ( plus engaging Lustig for US$1.5 million, for whatever reason), none has yet had any notable positive effect. Have they not started their activities yet ?

It is a crying shame that the share price has fallen dramatically yet again, even after the Foxconn news and the increased promotion of the company, and despite the news of speedy technical advances.

It appears the shorters on Nasdaq  are winning and are having a great time: between 24 April- 23 May about 40% average of the daily share volume was naked shorted. See website:

The US volume has been vastly exceeding that of the Canadian market over the past weeks.

Does anybody here know what % of the stock is owned by investors in US, in Canada,  Europe and elsewhere , taking into account all the last financings ?

(Perhaps Rainer could help on this )

Another question: Why does Poet not reveal the names of the institutional investors who did the recent financings ? Surely this is not covered by NDA also !  If disclosed this may give confidence to newcomers to invest in POET.





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