Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The share price!!! So what?

Obviously most of us here, are very unsatisfied looking at the share price - and while doing this, we forget, that POET is now perfectly situated for a very good future: partnerships with Luxshare and Foxconn, not to forget ADVA and hopefully soon again Accelink ... while having no debts, but enough money to lead this ship into a great future. These are some quiet big names, that are interested in what POET can offer. They and investing institutions believe in POET; so we as shareholders should find quiet some relief in this fact! The share price will change, but the partners, costumers and insitutions are here, to earn a lot of money ...the same reason, why most of us are invested in POET.

Or in the words of POETMMc, who wrote: "POET is funded, they have major customer agreements, they have a consultant working to help them create business opporthnites, and one of their major investors has a business model focused on "events" - various types of merger and acquisition arbitrage.  This is not a company that's being driven to the ground. This  is simply a short term drop in sp due to profit taking."

Yallah, let's sail into a wonderful sunrise!

May 29, 2024 10:38AM
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