Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: A couple thoughts

Ions ago they said: "we are going to talk to the customers and see what they want"

today, paraphrasing, "the customer changed what they wanted, we pivoted" 

also today, paraphrasing "we have gotten out in front of the changes happening with the tech", but also said they are still working out some issues with same

riddle and unanswered- states that they will be shipping to Celeatial AI in late 2024; how much? 

Thanking the team, (letting shareholders know that he believes the folks developing the tech deserve to be rewarded and have a piece of the action--stakeholders)

manufacturing--acknowledged need for partner outside of China--working on it

Almost every positive was followed with a cautionary note in my opinion. 

My take: what Poet has been doing is a Herculean effort for sure.  Lots of irons in the fire.  Hopefully we achieve critical mass soon.  I could hear frustration in Suresh's voice.  He did not sugar coat anything.  I respect him for that (but it's hard not to be disappointed). This is an ultra, ultra, ultra marathon.  A sobering meeting for sure, but looks like all the pieces are in place to stay the course this coming year.  

as always, good luck to all of us longs  









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