Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Transcript (sort of)

Sparta: "ITTR it would be nice for you to find the positives in the presentation and explain them in simple terms much like Rainer has done. Put your exceptional talents to good use. Hopefully, your explanations will give this chat site the boost it needs ."

Thanks, Sparta (honestly). I've gone that route. For years. Rainer and I and Rogue (amongst others) transcribing POET AGMs, investor meetings, Agoragom “Beyond the News Release”, back when it meant listening to a 10 second snippet, pausing, writing it down, and repeating. 


I’m done figuring out POET’s new words. They haven’t been accountable to every old exicted less-than-truth they’ve spouted. I've little doubt the company will succeed: management and insiders more than new shareholders, new shareholders more than old shareholders. As an old shareholder I have an opinion on that.

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