Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Check this one out!

THIS is the opportunity!

A small, early stage company from an investment perspective, but a company that's developed pertinent and valuable technology and partnerships.

For those of us who look beyond the volatility and the reduction in sp value over the past few years, I firmly believe we'll experience a positive ROI as revenue begins to be generated and each customer win results in increased credibility and further adoption.

POET has been an R&D company.  In the past year or so they've created significant partnerships to help them bring their tech to market.  This should have been a private company.  We are all fortunate to have the opportunity to invest in POET - typically they would be funded by venture capital without access to the public markets.  

By the end of next year we will look back on this time and laugh at that grumbling that some choose to entertain themselves with.  And when we do, remember that POETMMc said on 6/26/24 that your grumbling is comical and a wast of time.  I don't care what happened 10 years ago.  POET was a different company then.  POET is poised to succeed now.  This is exciting.


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