Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: And the Market Says......(drum roll please).......

Sorry....not meant to offend.

Just stating facts in a somewhat comical irony of sorts.......

One thing I noticed is this Board gets a bit too intense at times.....not enough humor.

Remember, this Board really has no ability to change the trajectory of the stock...they can share stories, announcements, theories, analysis etc.....which is helpful but should it be a sole and steady diet...?

Might be good to lighten it up a bit.

I for one am in this stock pretty deep and still see the potential and will stick with it for the long hoaul for certain....(Have more invested than what I paid for my first house and current value is probably close to what I paid for my first car....not complaining, just saying that I can feel that same "pain" if I choose to).

Either way, please accept some of my inputs as some level of comic relief...albeit, semi sarcastic...but nonetheless ironic......Humor is good for the soul....

If the Board does not want or appreciate humor in the discussion mix then I would like to hear from the Hub Leaders and will follwo their direction.....or maybe set aside "Fridays only as Board humor day"....??...and leave the M-Th as business onyl days....?

Again, never meant to offend...just trying to add some some highly paid comedians do...but I do it for free....!

Thanks for your feedback WhyAmIStillHere...! 





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