Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: We are lacking numbers

Wall street uses financial yardsticks to measure what the value of a stock is. Underneath all of the ways to say it, the fundamental truth is that companies need to make money. Figuring out if the tech is best, if the market is large enough, if the orders will flow, and the money will be made, is harder. The institutional players shy away from this, and the main bandwidth is reserved for companies with real earnings, solid projections, and proven assets.

POET is not there yet. It has a risk premium that is applied to companies that have not shown actual orders and actual profits. 

I believe the risk was much greater some years ago. The stock was frothy back then, with SP numbers as high as $26.00 based on a great future. So here we are. It has taken too long, and the market is pricing in all those years of wait-and-see. The market wants POET to "show the money".

Everything has changed in the real world of partnerships, co-engineering projects, and large companies making significant commitments. One can view this as more of the same from POET, or, I believe, more correctly, the prior frothiness was unwarranted or too soon, and now is the time. The bigs have spoken, and POET's solutions are being built in to the solutions needed--lower energy, lower heat, fast bandwidth, smaller parts, more efficient manufacturing, speed of delivery of customization, lower cost. Add to that, fidelity of the light signals, and versatility of the product based on the OI platform, and the drumbeat emerges that this company will be built into many things that need the above. 

I don't mean to sound overbearing with all this. I know they have said it before, and there are lots of positive statements followed by delays and a lack of long-term value that holds. That is the nature of building the future. The partnerships announced, and the actual parts for sale that are listed on the website are different. They are on the website, and Foxconn, Luxshare, et all are on record as working with these products. The past is not the right yardstick for what is about to happen. That said, I'll be happy when the $26.00 SP mark is revisited. From there, we still have a steep climb to enjoy. $800M from CAI, and then more from Foxconn, Luxshare, etc. will add up quickly to new multiples. No one will care about the past. 

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