Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The POET Optical Interposer is largely athermal...Why this matters

Actually, I do.  Unfortunately I was the guide for a few of them that lit the way "Up and to the Right" that turned out to be, for way too many years, anything but "Up and to the Right".  I remember thinking that I was giving them a very hot tip, so to speak.  Hot is a relative term and this one turned out to be on thin ice for many years since I promoted it with my "Hot Tip".  I regret the promotion all those years ago, however things change and the SS Minnow if finally within sight (optics, of course) of the home port.  What was terrible advice to friends and family years ago is not so terrible now, but that storm we ran into was a lot longer than 3 hours.  One heck of a storm and years in duration, over a decade.

About time, don't you think?


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