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Message: Please tell the Raptors to tone it down a little

Giant really do need another pitcher. I thought Greinke would have been nice but for 206.2 million per year, probably guaranteed might have been a little rich contractually, but you know what? I think a lot of us SF folks are tired of being the underdog, and scrapping together a season. But, as you mentioned, Jeff S... seems like he could be really strong, and consistant. I remember one of those WS years, I think the first one, the radio commentator called Giants games torture. It'd be hard to argue that point. I heard Jeff will probably be a good fit in the clubhouse. You know, that elusive thing called chemistry, which the Dodgers seem to lack. I could go and on. Lol Still some unknowns like Cain, and Lincecum. There are a few variables to be reckond with on the pitching staff. Botche has done a brilliant job so far.

Den :-)

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