Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: White House Bans US Firms From Selling Parts To China Telecom Giant ZTE

In one respect, yes, it would lower competition, but it would quickly be known that xx (POET?) was supplying the Chinese with advanced telecom devices, and possibly to their detriment regarding their American sales. Pure speculation, you never know with Trump, just something to watch for.


The logic behind telling a pre-revenue Canadian company (with a US office) that they would be banned from the transition to post-revenue (effectively shut down), without offering any government contract business that would financially replace the business the government doesn't want them to do... well, there isn't any logic. It's insane. 

If they are so impressed with POET's technology that they would be scared of other countries using it, then they should buy us out at all costs to keep that from happening. Otherwise, they would be essentially telling us that we have no right to be in business because we're too good.

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