Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications


So Trump listens to them ONLY because...How certain you assert something you don't actually know, and how readily you accept the NYT mischaracterization of a large group in America, members of which have made great contributions to science.   Wasn't it the atheistic communist Chinese that allowed huge numbers of people into Wuhan for their New Years celebration, knowing a new and dangerous virus was circulating there, and then let them all leave and spread the virus around the world?   

If you are full of hate and bigotry and determined to see the worst in a group or person you dont' really know, you will succeed.  I have never seen such hatred as I have witnessed from our media like the NYT towards Trump since he won.  They are never reasonable in their analysis towards him or his supporters.  I would say it is they who are becoming dangerous.

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