Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Just a question to consider.
Mar 31, 2020 05:23PM
Apr 01, 2020 12:05PM
Apr 05, 2020 12:24PM
Apr 22, 2020 04:13PM

Frankly, SnackRat - I am (usually very optimistic, this is why I am in Poet :-))  expecting it will go further down from here. For the US - well, US-citizens have to analyze this situation.

Here in EU/Germany, the system is definitively broken. And this is not caused by the virus, the virus is just tipping the system.

The health system in Germany, compared to other EU countries and the US, is working exceptionally well. So our death toll is relatively small. Some analysis is showing that most of the victims here would have died anyhow within 12 months. Most of them had already "preexisting conditions" (obesity, diabetes, affected heart/lung by unhealthy food, smoking, bad air ...).

By social distancing etc. the economic system now was halted - worldwide. If this was the right decision or not? No one wants to be accused to have caused thousands of death. So - it is like it is.

And now we have still - a halt. This halt will have a deep economic and social impact. It is showing that our systems are not that strong. Be still happy, other countries (Southern Europe, BRIC or 3rd world) are and will be in real deep sh... This disease of the systems can not be wiped away by the printing of more and more money. I believe it will heal on its own - and that we are still at the beginning of the cure. It will be painful! Dysfunctional systems will be cured (companies as well as governments) and I hope that the collateral damage will not be too big.

I wish I am wrong. And I wish all of you to keep healthy, patient, and stay strong!


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