Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: US Election Day


Very well put, now be prepared to be attacked by the uninformed cnn watchers who believe that

our DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC would thrive under a dementia fueled leader with the Marxist backing of Sanders, Harris, Omar, and AOC ( All Out Communism ).

They have NO idea who Hunter Biden, Tony Bobulinski, Devon Archer and Bevan Cooney are and also believe  the MSM,Facebook and Twitter are neutral participants.

If Trump doesn't win it will be a bloodbath on the markets IMHO and you can kiss your Democratic Republic goodbye.

Don't worry my Canadian friends, you will have that 1   50 year old submarine and those 5 60 year old jets to protect you.

This is an historic election and a tense day for me as well as being a POET investor there is a lot at stake for my American friends.

 A little on edge Kizzy

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