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Message: Hell

I am just catching up and was just reading some of the off topics with specific interest in this one titled “Hell”.....

ZimZim, you made a very interesting comment to Moskas message when refering to the bible which I appreciate…......

You said: ......”Isn't that interesting - it makes an atheist of you, but a Christian of me. “......

Given this I am sure you have heard the saying that the same sun that can softer the wax can at the same time harden the clay.

The wax and the clay have no choice.  They are just physical object made up of elements.  

The Son on the other hand has the ability soften the heart or harden the heart….but only based on the free will action of individual choice.

God created humans, and humans are the only the product of His creation to have free will and the ability to choose based on intellect and not instinct.

We, as human are surrounded daily by evidence of creation, but many times fail to recognize this and connect the dots.  These things are just taken for granted…and many time understandably so.

When God created hell, he did so not for humankind but for fallen angels…… Lucifer and his followers who turned their back on God and rebelled against Him.

When humans were created, and only after sin entered the world (i.e. Adam & Eve), that is when God expanded the size of hell to accommodate those that choose not believe and are to be eternally separated from Him.

The bible tells us that life is but a vapor, once here for a short while and then quickly gone.

It may not seem that way but when compared to eternity our lives here are so very short.  We only have a limited time in which to make the right choices.

God sent His one and only Son to this earth to literally die a painful death for us on the cross.  He did this to take away our sins and to offer us a way (a choice) in where we will spend eternity.

Those who believe and accept that there is only one God who sent His one and only Son to die for us so that we may have a path to eternal life.

I grew up as a Catholic but did not realize the simplicity and significance of this until I was 25 years old.  I knew all of the elements of the Christian faith but never was told how to connect the dots so-to-speak.

It seemed too simple however the more I learned the more I realized how true and how vitally important the plan of salvation really was.

I also do very much realize and respect other individuals’ thoughts and decisions.   I am not here, nor one to judge.

I will however add that if I, as one who chooses to believe, am wrong then I have nothing to lose……but if those who choose not to believe are wrong then they have everything to lose.

Bottom line is, where do you ultimately wish/plan/choose to spend eternity?

Remember,  it is an individual choice and only one you can cannot be made for you.

It is truly the most important decision of your life.

Just some “Food for Thought”

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