Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Mark Lutkowitz comments on Nubis and Lightmatter
Similar to its relationship with Yamaichi Electronics regarding the vertical line card platform (please see:, fibeReality has become aware of certain preliminary indications that Nubis Communications is considering the joint venture route involving its silicon photonics solution. The extraordinary paradox is that in spite of our opinion that Nubis has a much greater chance for success than Lightmatter, specifically related to its VLC patents, and notwithstanding the very large disparity in the amounts of funding, the former seems to be under an order of magnitude more pressure than the latter to demonstrate specific, concrete results to its financiers (please see: With Lightmatter, there is a situation that takes on a life of its own with the continuing, very impressive rounds of financing in which being the exception of the bunch of SiPh/optical computing startups is apparently not an issue, and all that may be necessary is a single large user that we believe would need be desperate enough to adopt the concept. Naturally, that is a real possibility as there can be a big disparity in conscientiousness and achievement with some entities compared with the big-three, players on optical I/O for AI, including Google, Amazon, and NVIDIA (please see: As part of increasingly viewing NVIDIA as a potential operator (please see:, it fully understands the necessity for constructing an industry ecosystem based on the PCIe optics endeavors (please see:

Returning to the potential JV module game plan, fibeReality suspects that there could be pressure applied by Nubis’ investment partners to move in such a direction because of an inadequate appreciation of the cutthroat transceiver market structure as well as maybe disappointment based on misplaced overoptimism about an acquisition opportunity on Nubis’ SiPh engine alone (please see: While the business model generically has advantages, such as sharing costs, there are also risks, including unanticipated hardships for the partner.
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