In Excess of 5.4 Million Indicated Tonnes Grading 1.05 % NiEq and 1.8 Million Inferred Tonnes Grading 1.35 % NiEq

Power Nickel Releases Initial NI 43-101 Resource on Nisk Project

Message: Power Nickel Unveils Promising Drill Results, Boosting Prospects in High-Grade Mining

In a significant development for the mining sector, Power Nickel Inc. (TSXV: PNPN), a junior exploration company, has announced impressive assay results from its Lion Discovery Zone, located near its main Nisk Deposit in Quebec, Canada. This news marks a pivotal moment for the company as it continues to expand its high-grade copper, platinum, palladium, gold, and silver zone, potentially enhancing its position in the global mining market.

Background and Context

Power Nickel, a Canadian junior exploration firm, is on a mission to develop the high-grade Nisk project into the first carbon-neutral nickel mine in Canada. With a significant land position encompassing 20 kilometers of strike length and numerous high-grade intercepts, the company's focus is on expanding its historical nickel-copper PGE (platinum group elements) mineralization. The latest assay results are part of an ongoing effort to explore and develop the Lion Discovery Zone, situated 5 kilometers northeast of the main Nisk Deposit.

Key Highlights and Advantages

The recent assay results from holes PN-24-056 to PN-24-059 reveal high-grade multi-element mineralization, underscoring the potential of the Lion Discovery Zone. Notable findings include:

  • PN-24-059: 17.25 meters of 0.66 g/t gold, 27.20 g/t silver, 3.33% copper, 2.04 g/t palladium, 1.49 g/t platinum, and 0.18% nickel, including a remarkable 5.59 meters of 1.91 g/t gold, 73.48 g/t silver, 9.88% copper, 6.23 g/t palladium, 4.56 g/t platinum, and 0.49% nickel.
  • PN-24-058: 8.27 meters of 0.19 g/t gold, 7.12 g/t silver, 0.64% copper, 3.43 g/t palladium, 0.84 g/t platinum, and 0.25% nickel, with significant sections of higher concentrations.
  • PN-24-057: 5.20 meters of 0.37 g/t gold, 36.23 g/t silver, 2.57% copper, 5.72 g/t palladium, 2.45 g/t platinum, and 0.19% nickel.
  • PN-24-056: 4.60 meters of 0.72 g/t gold, 5.38 g/t silver, 0.88% copper, 2.67 g/t palladium, 1.42 g/t platinum, and 0.12% nickel.

These results are significant not only for their high grades but also for the wide mineralization zones, suggesting substantial resources that could be economically mined.

Potential Impact and Significance

The discovery at the Lion Zone is a major milestone for Power Nickel. It enhances the company's prospects of developing a high-grade, near-surface mining operation that could significantly boost its production capabilities. The expansion of the Lion Zone is expected to provide a strong foundation for future growth, making Power Nickel a more attractive investment in the mining sector.

CEO Terry Lynch expressed optimism about the results, noting, "The zone continues to be very productive as we explore deeper. We are seeing the high-grade width of about 100 meters and very mineable halos that extend 50-75 meters on either side continue at depth." This statement underscores the potential for long-term extraction and value generation.

Expert Opinions and Analysis

Ken Williamson, VP Exploration at Power Nickel, highlighted the strategic importance of the findings. "All information is good information at this point, and we are constantly learning more and more about this new polymetallic zone," he stated. The company’s methodical approach to drilling and analysis reflects a robust strategy aimed at maximizing the zone’s potential.

Industry analysts are likely to view these developments as a positive signal for Power Nickel’s future. The high-grade results not only validate the company's exploration efforts but also enhance its attractiveness to potential investors looking for high-reward opportunities in the mining sector.

Challenges and Considerations

While the results are promising, Power Nickel must navigate several challenges. The complexity of mining high-grade polymetallic zones requires advanced technology and expertise. Additionally, fluctuations in commodity prices can impact the economic viability of the project. However, Power Nickel's thorough quality assurance and quality control (QAQC) program, including independent verification by Actlabs, provides a solid foundation for overcoming these challenges.


Power Nickel's latest assay results from the Lion Discovery Zone mark a significant advancement in the company’s exploration efforts. With high-grade mineralization across multiple elements, the company is well-positioned to enhance its market presence and attract investment. As Power Nickel continues to explore and develop its assets, it stands at the forefront of potentially transformative developments in the mining industry. Investors and stakeholders will be watching closely as the company progresses towards its goal of establishing Canada's first carbon-neutral nickel mine.

View original press release here:


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