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Ultimately Developing a District with Multiple Near-Surface Gold Resources along the +30 km Property in Idaho

Message: PEM upcoming new news release

I have no knowledge of any buyer for the Friday Petsite. Sorry for not saying it well. It was meant in the context of "if" there were a buyer waiting in the wings. I have no knowledge that there is, or is not, one. I did get the impression a few weeks ago that some kind of interest, by more than one entity, had been expressed in "establishing a relationship with PEM." That could have been institutional investor interest or something more profound. I don't know. It wasn't explained. Also, a couple of "Confidential Agreements" had been established as of a few to several weeks ago. Here to, I have no knowledge about what these agreements consist of. It could be routine and inconsequential or it could be something more. I do not know any more. It is left to our immaginations for now, or perhaps forever.

Also, to clarify my words in my earlier posting. . . . the PEM person I spoke to said that they assumed there could be as much as 3 million to 5 million ounces at just the Friday Petsite. In this conversation it was also said that the "Monday" side of the shear looked to be (an assumption) perhaps as good. . . and that multiple other locations along PEM's holdings could have significant ounces, more or less, at various locations, similar to the Friday Petsite. These were assumptions, not declarations of what exists. . . just possibilities based on experience. Perhaps these assumptions are basd on the preliminary work done so far including the Airborne survey. In this regard it has been said to me that PEM's officials are excited with what they know so far. Words were used that conveyed to me a very positive feeling and excitement and a very strong desire to expedite the drilling process further up the Orogrande shear zone. It was said that they believed they could have a new mining district in the works. I know these assumptions have yet to be "proven" with further drill results. Their belief that they could be on top of a 28k stretch of mineralization deposit has seemed to have strengthened, based on what was said. Here again, it is an assumption in the process of exploring which has yet to be proven accurate or inaccurate. But they sure feel confident in their growing assumptions. Can't take assumptions to the bank. But the Friday Petsite seems to be proving more and more accurate as time goes by. We all hope so. The above information probably does not help much. It is too generic, I know. The upcoming drill test results and 43-101 is what is more important.

(For disclosure: We picked up more shares as well, and may do so again if we get a lower price). Our best wishes to all.


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