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Message: Re: Finally going to right direction!
Feb 01, 2012 02:20PM
Feb 02, 2012 10:27AM

Many PEM employees, PEM contract staff, and PEM appointees have a potential life changing stake in PEM. They are shareholders to. I don't think, for even a second, that they and the CEO wants their shares lingering at low prices. They have a stake in PEM's future in cash, blood, sweat and tears. They have every reason to want to see PEM gain. They spend their days and nights trying to make that happen. They are not in this business so they can destroy share price and the company. To the contrary. I know of some who routinely are working 60 to 80 hours a week, often 6 and 7 days a week to make PEM succeed. Del Steiner is no exception. They have a Board with strong knowledge, skills and abilities. The PEM team has had virtually 100% success in their endeavors, so far. . . . I don't think they are trying to kill the share value/price. Not for even one second. They have their sleepless nights and some of us have ours as well. We all want the same thing. I'll leave it at that. I hope you, and we, and PEM's people all are rewarded as time goes by.

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