Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: ATV news -> great for KXL too!


I believe that they were initial investors and got their shares at .10 when the company IPOed..They put up the money to start ATV..and now they are doubling their money ++++ before year end to reinvest in something else and make THEIR shareholders happy and make their books look good with all that cash at year end..I think this will stop at year end and away we will go..They have to do this when they can get the ..interest in ATV,,No volume they wouldn't be able to do this..It will end and ATV will take off.

And KXL will take off.If the Fed cuts 1/2 point this afternoon rather than the expected 1/4 point that will trigger the Santa Claus rally and we will be off to the races,.


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