Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Paper lossesVS Hard Assets...

OK, I am long on KXL and still believe, but lets not ignore reality. Our SP has taken a hit of about 25%. And not on bad news.

I disagree that the "hard assets" have not gotten up and walked away, because we really don't own much for hard assets. Yes, gold is a hard asset, but with KXL, it is buried under granite and will take years to become a true hard asset. KXL has no revenue, and the value of the assets it has on it's book represent about 1% of it's price.

I have only lost about a quarter of your 250k loss this last week or two, but am getting some lessons about stop losses, which seem to get poohpoohed here by some. If I had a stop on say a quarter my kxl at 3.90 (just below the good support we had at $4), I would have quite a bit more $, and could buy back those shares cheaper today. I had Gains on Timminco and Mastercard of 10-20% that got erased and am behind on them. I didn't want to get shaken out on a quick dip. Will they come back? I hope so, I think so, but now have a stop on all or part of those to protect myself. As one pundit said, "stocks aren't like your parents at the mall when you were a kid, they don't always come back!" People bought Worldcom and Enron all the way down, getting a bargain on their shares.

Am not (repeat not) saying KXL is going in the toilet, but lets not try to soothe everyone into thinking that blindly holding and buying more on dips is always the safe and prudent course.

I agree, don't panic, but don't stick your head in the sand either.

Gonna go to a trade show now and not watch the red #'s on my computer!


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