Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: When to buy more?

Personally, I can't see why that would happpen. The only way KXL adds value to it's shares is by drilling. Remember that those that make the decisions own the most shares and want the value to rise as much as we do. The $ is in the bank, the drills are on the ground, why stop? We are years from producing the first gold bar, who knows what the price will be then?

Let's keep in mind that the world doesn't end in a recession. Most people are stilll employed, most people still make their mortgage payments and many even go on holidays and buy vehicles. Gold might be one of the more stable commodities/stocks in a recession over the long haul, but the last big dip the markets took in the summer saw gold sell off as well by people trying to preserve capital in a shakey environment. It came back nicely.

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