Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Let me make this perfectly clear...

Let me make this perfectly clear...

posted on Jan 19, 2008 06:17AM

he says in his best Richard Nixon voice. I am not down on KXL or bashing, despite the tone of some of my posts.

I AM encouraged that it appears that the insiders are not selling, HOWEVER...

I spoke with one of the "insiders" in Oct (last week of oct) about kxl and these are some of the things he said that I keep in mind. These aren't direct quotes, but how I remember them.

KXL is a very speculative play. It will either go high or go to zero.

Don't put much faith in what insiders are doing, we don't know drill results etc or where this is going any more than you.

He suggested that I sell enough to recoup my initial investment, and "play withthe casino's money".

This isn't secret inside info, just common sense. I didn't follow his advice and added onthe way up. right now, the direction looks more like going to zero than going high, but looks can be decieving. I had about 25% of my position sell on a stop,and I am feeling like I will regret it later but...

I have to take my kid to a hockey game, will check in later. I enjoy lively debate and info on both sides of the coin. Gives us more ideas and info to work with. Oh lastly, I will bet a steak dinner that god doesn't go to it's "natural price" of... what over $2000 an ounce (?!) this yr to anyone who will take the bet. OK, I better limit my downside, the first three takers (a kind of stop loss!).

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