Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: what should you be holding

While the future looks bright, lets not forget Kodiak is an exploration company and not a gold producer, and exploration companies are high risk/reward investments and not really a place to park money the way physical gold, cash or term deposits are. Just look at the reduction in SP we have had in the last month while gold has gone the other way. An analyst on BNN's market call tonight on Feb 5 thinks that exploration stocks may be hit particularily hard with market turmoil because investors will be less in the mood to speculate in rough times. His top 2 picks were physical gold and cash! Didnt' have a 3rd pick. I don't neccesarily agree but he has an arguement, it is worth watching online @

Not to say that we should dump KXL, but lets not invest for the wrong reasons. Value means an underpriced asset. We don't really know what is under the ground for sure, so we can't really say it is underpriced, can we?

My opinion, take shots at it at will.

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