Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Mc Coach-Sinclair. question for Cedar & others

Mc Coach-Sinclair. question for Cedar & others

posted on Feb 19, 2008 12:08PM

I subscribe to The Mining Speculator by Mc Coach, and he quoted and linked subscribers to Jim sinclair's site about commentary on gold and Jr's in particular. He thinks that gold Jr.s will soon see prosperity like they have never seen before. The Jr miners part was on the Feb 15th segment.

Question. What kind of link between the POG and KXL does everyone think we have? Personally, I think it is very weak a this time as we aren't even a near term play, but I think there must be some updraft if the Jr golds increase. All subject to drill results of course.

Second to Cedar or whover else wants to throw an opinion. Cedar mentioned coming market capitulation. I was reading Cramer's book Real money (yeah, he's a pompous jerk) and he gave a few points to recognize capitualtion when it happens, and many of those factors were ticked off last Jan. I have been holding off on many buys waiting to see a double bottom or lower markets, but I'm starting to wonder if we have seen bottom. I think if US markets were open while the rest melted down, we would have a better picture but as they say, if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle. Under IBD's system, we confirmed a rally last week, and it was under pressure the next day.

So, anyone want to give their 2 cents on if we have seen bottom in the markets in general? One idea is that next quarter's reporting fromt he financials may cause a final meltdown, but maybe those writedowns are already being priced in. Citigroup is currently working it's way to retest lows, and that may give a signal on wheter it breaks through and falls lower, as it was a bit of a canary in the coal mine.

Nice to see the price rise today on volume a bit higher than what has become normal.

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