Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Goldfield Cuts Requirements for New Mines By 60%

I'm in at a buck as well. Bought some at 1.05 last time down and later had my stop at $1.62 taken out on half those shares. Will reinvest that cash at a buck I think. Only reason I stated my strategy is my short term trades often don't work, but this one seems to have!

Have read some posts to the effect of "let it all collapse" etc, and I have to disagree. Market calamity is good for remarkably few people, and the rich CEOs are not gonna be on the street. In fact, they probably have a few gold bars stashed away that will appreciate nicely if the POG rises as many expect. I dont think it was many of the elite that rode the rails in the '20's, and I think the middle and lower classes will bear the brunt of a collapse. Secondly, the investment banks got hit by this, but didn't isue the goofy mortgages that got this tsunami rolling. Also, remember that taxpayer $ is also rich people's taxmoney as well, and the bailout and eventual settling of the tab will hit them in the pocketbook as well. It seems to me that for every $ of tax $, something like 70% comes from the top 10% of the income bracket. I am kind of pulling those figures from my a** admitedly. And, it isn't my Cdn tax money!

Anyhow, I am wishing for a bailout package that calms the waters, then good drill results to propell our stock. Good luck to all as I think we need it.

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